There is more than words on the two witnesses, who they are and what they are active to do. For abundant years I read what was accessible on the Internet nearly the two witnesses and consulted books on Revelation.

So who are the Two Witnesses

Some have the two witnesses as Enoch and Elijah. These are the two men that ne'er died on planet yet were interpreted by God earlier the residence of their unconscious lives. Some, because of the plagues and the abilities the two witnesses will have, feel that they are Elijah and Moses.

Certain records:

This is what I cognise.

I have met Elijah on mud in a vision. When he came to coming together me from heaven, one of the property he affected upon me was that I was not him. He was conscious as a essence isolated from me and not on the inside of me.

Oh, I'm repentant. To take that declaration you would preliminary have to know that I am one of the two witnesses and the Lord Jesus has specified me heaps signs to be who I am.

Latest statements

I have too met Moses in glory in a vision; therefore, Moses is not re-incarnated as one of the two witnesses.

The fundamental nature of Elijah and Moses are here.

For many an years I have felt I am a modern-day Moses and that I will say the plagues on the global and so far I have discussed umpteen of the plagues that I will content upon the planetary. The information that I have a spirit related to Moses' vital principle and a search of the same kind to his was confirmed by Darlene Flores, an certified critic on who is the different witness.

Darlene knows she has the vital principle of Elijah and explains that the symbol came upon her out of promised land one day and has previously recovered many grouping of cancers and one of blindness, and so she has a powerful anointment. When race go opposed to the two witnesses, Darlene has same that she has no nuisance pronouncing infectious disease on a entity who would undergo and die from it.

So near you have it folks, the two witnesses are NOT Elijah and Moses of the Bible but have the mantles of Moses and Elijah yet at this instance in life span are increasingly not operative in the inundated anointment. I intuitively have lone well two people and so I cognise the covering is not fully upon me.

The duty of the two witnesses.

The most important part the two witnesses will have is transfer away the undying gospel to the planetary. They are au fond active to be the greatest uplifting evangelists the worldwide has ever seen. Darlene has been confident by the Lord Jesus that she will have an amazing anointing for remedial and often the undivided stadium's social group will be well when she sings congratulations and adoration -even minus an change telephone call head-on from the Holy Spirit.

The two witnesses will too act as apostles who teach and render the natural object of Christ. Everywhere they roam they will prepare the unit of Christ and lay keeping on grouping and angle up the cardinal gather priesthood of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. Some those will not be in overfull instance ministry yet, when they are prayed for, they will have a mighty anointing and be able to activation a alterative ministry from that day on in their urban center. The two witnesses will ever be meet prophets, but will sometimes appear resembling they are apostles.

The two witnesses will bring down justice to floor and blessed living. They will by coerce beside the rod of improvement send free will to the captives and the heartbroken and re-distribute financial condition in the international so that the tertiary worldwide gets a large shot of dosh. They will come down governments and tell war on below the belt nations like the USA. With the competence to change direction the oceans, streams and dams into body fluid and to direct all attitude of plagues as habitually as they wish, they will have social unit and expertise to trade name even the strongest oppressor break down before his population as they force if he doesn't concur with them.

The church by and voluminous will name the two witnesses family that are not of God. With the 144,000 the two witnesses will increase up another christian church shell of the Harlot basilica that exists present. The Harlot will call for this new basilica a religion and will even go as far as to say the two witnesses are the hoax creative thinker and the Antichrist. This is symptomless legendary by the two prophets, and the global who likes to be comfortable and wealthy, the Laodicean church, will detest the two witnesses but will be overcome to bring to a halt them and the gospels they proclaim.

At the custody of the two witnesses Babylon will go down and the pigs market, finance and lolly economies of the international will ram and perhaps this is when the those will elect a Godly man to be the Beast, who will combat the two witnesses and the new cathedral. I have not markedly comprehension on the Beast as I am on God's lateral and have no curiosity in Satan's line-up.

The new faith will be called the religious of Philadelphia, or other folks will cognize that they embody the innocent church mentioned in the volume of Revelation. People, close to a cult, will deal in their houses and shares and belongings to connect this house of worship as they will be convinced they are in the past days of mud and will have no fault turn from the lusts of the international and plateful Jesus the Master rather than Mammon. This monumental currency motion will support pictures and DVDs that will be fixed free of to the global similar to tracts and they will be extremely convincing.

For the first case in the international the non-Christian skeptics strength beginning to be convinced when they see documentaries of an unfortunate in a wheelchair at marital hard to survive beside no stamina and then, having Darlene pray for their restoration, and on photographic equipment the two staying power rapidly increasing from stumps and the midday sleep of the written material having him wander about and kick up your heels association football with two staying power that grew in in advance of a photographic camera. Those variety of shows will win over whatsoever of the biggest cynics, and meanwhile abundant in the Harlot minster will be shrieking that these are false signs and wonders of the counterfeit prophets.

The bad report for the priestly is that location will be no emotional state until the two witnesses have been risen from the dead, thus they have to hold out much of the trial and have to be able to comprehend the voice of the Holy Spirit so they can hang around distant from danger and have the principle sometimes to twirl body fluid into liquid so they can paint the town red.

The buttress of the two witnesses.

Millions of family will individually direct all their luxury to the two witnesses and this is prophesied in religious text in the wedding album of Isaiah.

Isaiah 60 1 Arise, shine; For your fluffy has come! And the honour of the LORD is up upon you. 2 For behold, the gloominess shall floor the earth, And thoughtful cloudiness the people; But the LORD will rise finished you, And His laurels will be seen upon you. 3 The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the vibrancy of your greater than ever. 4 " Lift up your sentiment all around, and see: They all earn together, they travel to you; Your sons shall locomote from afar, And your daughters shall be nursed at your tenderloin. 5 Then you shall see and change state radiant, And your suspicion shall expand next to joy; Because the plenty of the sea shall be upset to you, The financial condition of the Gentiles shall travel to you. 6 The swarm of camels shall scabbard your land, The dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; All those from Sheba shall come; They shall carry metallic and incense, And they shall title the praises of the LORD.

As you can see from the highlighted passages that the success of the gentiles will come with to the two witnesses. People may say this is a passageway to the land of Israel. Well at the incident of the witnesses the full-length of the global will be mortal born-again plus the Jews and this wealth will surge in from all country.

The Glory of the Lord will be on the two witnesses frontage.

Most recent statements:

Isaiah 60 1 Arise, shine; For your oil lamp has come! And the glory of the LORD is up upon you.

In these nowadays Satan would emotion to rise up witnesses on dual occasions in bidding to wreak confusion, and so the Lord will fastener his two witnesses with his honour and the two witnesses' faces will patina suchlike Jesus and Elijah and Moses at the transfiguration. Five present time just in my life this has happened to me where on earth my facade has shone, and it e'er causes relations to run a enormously big curiosity in me.

This glory will not be able to be faked and the two witnesses will clean so brightly, and the coating on their voices will clear populace comprehend for hours and work time as they preach.

I commune that this has been enlightening. I cognizance that Darlene and I will be as big as Benny Hinn inwardly astir 5 time of life. We essential acquire such more than experience. Until then, we wanted your emails whether they be nifty or bad.

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